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What Are Zygomatic Dental Implants?

In the realm of dental restoration, advancements continue to redefine possibilities, and zygomatic dental implants stand as a testament to this progress. 

For those seeking a reliable solution to missing teeth or struggling with traditional implant options, zygomatic dental implants offer a promising alternative. 

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into what zygomatic dental implants are, their benefits, the surgical procedure, their prevalence, associated costs, and more. 

What Are Zygomatic Dental Implants? 

Zygomatic dental implants, also known as zygoma implants, are an innovative solution for individuals with significant bone loss in the upper jaw. Traditional dental implants rely on anchoring into the jawbone. 

However, in cases where bone density is insufficient, typically due to prolonged tooth loss or certain medical conditions, conventional implants may not be viable. 

Zygomatic implants provide an alternative by anchoring into the zygomatic bone, also known as the cheekbone. This robust bone structure offers excellent stability and support, allowing for successful implantation even in cases of severe bone loss. 

Zygomatic Implant Benefits 

#1 – Stability

Zygomatic implants offer unparalleled stability due to their anchorage in the sturdy zygomatic bone. 

#2 – Avoidance of Bone Grafting

Unlike traditional implants, which may require bone grafting procedures to augment bone density, zygomatic implants bypass this need, making them suitable for patients with significant bone loss. 

#3 – Single Surgery

In many cases, zygomatic implants can be placed in a single surgical procedure, reducing treatment time and discomfort for patients. 

#4 – Restored Functionality

Once healed, zygomatic implants allow for normal chewing, speaking, and biting, restoring full functionality to the mouth. 

Zygomatic Implant Surgery 

The zygomatic implant surgery is a meticulously planned procedure that typically involves the following steps: 

Step 1 – Assessment and Planning

Detailed imaging such as CT scans helps in assessing bone density and determining the optimal placement of implants. 

Step 2 – Surgical Placement

Under local or general anesthesia, the oral surgeon carefully places the implants into the zygomatic bone. 

Step 3 – Attachment of Prosthesis

After a healing period, a customized dental prosthesis, such as a bridge or denture, is securely attached to the implants, restoring the patient’s smile and functionality.  

Are Zygomatic Implants Commonly Used? 

While zygomatic implants were initially developed in the 1980s, their popularity has surged in recent years. 

Advancements in technology and techniques have made zygomatic implant surgery more predictable and accessible, leading to increased adoption by dental professionals worldwide. 

Cost of Zygomatic Implants 

The cost of zygomatic implants can vary depending on several factors, including the number of implants needed, the complexity of the case, the geographic location of the dental practice, and any additional procedures required. 

On average, the cost of zygomatic implants may be higher than traditional implants due to the specialized nature of the procedure and the materials used. 

However, many patients find the long-term benefits outweigh the initial investment. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How stable are zygomatic implants? 

Zygomatic implants offer exceptional stability due to their placement in the sturdy zygomatic bone. 

What is the surgical procedure for zygomatic implants? 

The surgical procedure involves placing implants into the zygomatic bone, followed by the attachment of a dental prosthesis after a healing period. 

Are zygomatic implants suitable for everyone? 

While zygomatic implants offer a solution for many patients with significant bone loss, a thorough evaluation by a qualified dental professional is necessary to determine suitability. 

Restore Your Smile With Zygomatic Implants 

For individuals facing the challenges of significant bone loss in the upper jaw, zygomatic implants offer a lifelike and durable solution. With their stability, functionality, and natural appearance, zygomatic implants can transform smiles and improve quality of life. 


In conclusion, zygomatic dental implants stand as a beacon of hope in the realm of dental restoration, heralding a new era of possibilities for patients with complex dental needs. 

Their emergence represents not just a technological advancement but a transformational leap in improving the quality of life for countless individuals worldwide. 

Beyond merely replacing missing teeth, zygomatic implants restore not just smiles but self-assurance, enabling patients to eat, speak, and interact with confidence once again. 

Their unparalleled stability and functionality redefine the boundaries of what is achievable in dental care, offering a lifeline to those previously deemed ineligible for traditional implant procedures due to severe bone loss. 

As their popularity continues to soar, zygomatic implants serve as a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence in dental science and the unwavering commitment of dental professionals to provide patients with the best possible care. 

With each successful implantation, lives are transformed, and smiles are restored, underscoring the profound impact of this remarkable innovation. 

In essence, zygomatic implants not only bridge the gap between adversity and hope but pave the way for a future where dental restoration knows no bounds. 

As individuals embark on their journey towards regaining their smile and oral functionality, zygomatic implants stand ready as a beacon of possibility, offering renewed confidence and a brighter tomorrow. 

Ready to explore Zygomatic Implants? Schedule your consultation with G4 by Golpa Dental Implants for expert advice and personalized care! 

All On 4 Dental Implants Cost: Is It Worth the Investment?

All on four dental implants are an excellent way to replace the whole arch of teeth. Getting an implant for each missing tooth can be very time-consuming and involves a lot of hassles. 

However, this restorative treatment is perfect for people missing a complete row of teeth on their bottom or top jaw. When you opt for All on four dental implant, the dentists will insert four titanium posts into the jaw that will act as anchors for the entire set of teeth.

This method makes sure the artificial teeth remain firm in their place. Over time, the titanium posts will fuse to the jawbone to create a strong and durable foundation for your tooth replacements. 

If you want to opt for this treatment, you need to have an idea of the All on four dental implant cost. You will be able to make the right decision.

Read on to know more about cost considerations for all on four dental implants and why they are worth the investment.

Factors Affecting All On 4 Dental Implants Cost

The following factors generally affect the overall cost of all on four dental implants.

  • The Intensity of Your Tooth Loss

    The intensity of the tooth loss plays an important role in deciding the cost of the All-on-4 dental implants. Patients with more extended tooth loss or those with existing dental problems like gum recession, advanced bone loss, or tooth decay may need additional procedures before opting for the All on four procedure.

    The complications of your dental condition can also affect the cost of All on four dental implants. Cases that are more challenging may require the proficiency of dental implant professionals, custom dental materials, or specialized techniques, which can lead to a higher cost. 

    It is important to discuss your particular dental requirements and the severity of the tooth loss with a competent dentist. You will get an accurate estimate of the overall cost of treatment.

  • The Material Type Used for the Implants

    The cost of the All on four dental implant can be affected by the kind of material used for the treatment. The implant posts are made of high-quality titanium, which is known for its biocompatibility and durability. The implant can be made from several materials, like zirconia, acrylic, or individual porcelain teeth.

    The acrylic teeth are quite affordable, but they are not as natural-looking or durable as zirconia or individual porcelain teeth. Zirconia teeth have more demand for their natural appearance and strength, but they can be more costly compared to acrylic. Porcelain teeth look and feel most natural and closely match healthy teeth, but they are the most costly option.

    Each material has some benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to discuss your requirements and preferences with your dentist to decide the best material for your All on four implants.

  • Anesthesia Level Chosen

    Usually, you will have three choices for anesthesia. If you want to stay 100% awake, the first option is local anesthesia. It will numb the mouth, so you will not feel a pinch. Next, you have the IV or oral sedation option.

    It is the most recommended option for patients who have high anxiety. It will help you relax and go to sleep. This is recommended for most patients because the surgery can take more than 4 hours. 

    General anesthesia is the most expensive option, putting you to complete sleep and starting at a jaw-dropping 5 grand. A medical anesthesiologist is required to handle this kind of sedation.

Average Cost Range for All on 4 Dental Implants

The average cost of all on four dental implant treatments is around $48,000 in the US, and this may vary based on the number of implants you require, where you live, and some other factors.

From the surgical process to post-operative care, this cost includes everything. The price also includes the surgery cost, anesthesia, and follow-up visits.

It is important to remember that the cost of these implants is also based on whether there are any complications regarding the surgery and healing process.

While this may look like a hefty amount of money, you should not forget that dental implants can last for decades.

So, they are more affordable options in the long run when compared to other tooth replacement treatments.

All on 4 Dental Implants Financing Options

Dental financing is the most common way to pay for dental implants. It gives a person the option to pay for the dental treatment over an extended period, generally between 2 and 7 years.

This can make dental care treatment more cost-effective by breaking down the overall price into monthly payments.

There are a few All on four dental implant financing options and you should know about them.

Types of Dental Financing

  • Medical Credit Cards: These are similar to regular credit cards, but offer special financing options when it comes to medical procedures. The cards have no interest or a low-interest rate.
  • Conventional Loan: People with high income and excellent credit can apply for this loan. It is similar to getting a mortgage, with interest ranging from 6% to 27%.
  • Zero Percent Intro: People with a high income and excellent credit may qualify for this. You can get your implants from 3 to 12 months.

All-On-4 Implants Cost Considerations vs. Benefits- Is It Worth It?

The confidence that All on four dental implants offer is not just restricted to being able to show your smile to everyone again; it also comes from understanding that the implants are permanently fixed to the dental bridge. 

So, you don’t need to worry about any possible embarrassment with your dentures present, like slipping out when you are having a conversation or a meal.

It is this confidence that ultimately makes All on four dental implants so valuable. Achieving the confidence to go out and face the world is something that you cannot put a price on.

You may understand that the financial obligation that comes with All on four dental implants is well worth it.

Addressing Common Misconceptions About All on 4 Dental Implants

Here are some of the common misconceptions about All on four implants:

#1. The procedure is extremely painful

People believe the surgery is very painful, but in reality, the only unpleasant feeling from the surgery is some swelling and discomfort. However, the pain only lasts for a few days, and painkillers can easily keep the pain under control.

#2. It requires high maintenance

People also think that implants need special care and are very difficult to clean, However, the truth is that basic practices like daily brushing your teeth, flossing, and professional dental check-ups from time to time are enough.

#3. It’s a difficult and complex procedure

The treatment includes the minimum invasive procedure and normally requires only one surgery. Advanced technology and precise planning allow professionals to place implants with great accuracy and in a hassle-free manner.

Before opting for the treatment and choosing a dental clinic, read the patient reviews of All on four dental implant costs. It will help you to take informed decision.

#4. Only particular age groups are candidates

People also have the misconception that All on four implants are only for a particular age group, but they are not. The dental treatment is suitable for different age groups, but the patient needs to fulfill the criteria.

Get the Best All-On-4 Dental Implant Near You! Schedule Your G4 by Golpa Consultation Today

All on four implants can be a bit costly for you, but they are worth the money you spend and the effort you put in. Keep in mind all the aforementioned information to make the right call. 

Are you ready to transform your smile? 

Schedule your G4 by Golpa consultation today and discover your best dental implant option! We have expertise in all kinds of dental treatment and have world-class facilities in Las Vegas, Dallas, and Tysons.

Who Are the Ideal Candidates for All on 4 Dental Implants?

All on Four is a comparatively new way to replace complete arches of missing teeth

This treatment for replacing teeth includes the installation of four implants in the lower and upper jaws, or both, and attaching a denture to the implants. The denture is an entire set of false teeth that can either be removable or permanent.

People with missing teeth generally face the dilemma of whether this treatment is right for them or not. There are some excellent ways to find out. 

So, if you are opting for this treatment, the first thing you need to do is find out dental implant suitability criteria.

Read on to find out who is a good candidate for all on four dental implants.

Who Is a Good Candidate for All on Four Dental Implants?

The following are the factors influencing dental implant candidacy.

  • A person who has lost many teeth due to some injury.
  • Individuals who have lost several teeth because of tooth decay.
  • A person who has advanced gum disease.
  • Individuals who cannot see benefits from restoring teeth
  • Those who cannot have their teeth restored.

Ideal candidates do not necessarily have an entire arch missing, but they do have a lot of teeth that need replacing. 

If you are struggling with dental issues and are torn between traditional dentures or dental implants for replacing an entire arch of teeth, you may be a perfect candidate for All on Four dental treatment. 

However, the criteria for this treatment are a little different, which is why candidacy varies from person to person.

Benefits of All on Four Dental Implants

People interested in getting implants must have good oral hygiene. It is necessary during recovery as it minimizes the chances of any infections and other complications. 

The advantages of opting All on Four over traditional dentures are as follows:

  • Patients get a complete set of teeth in around two visits to the dental clinic.
  • It perfectly restores the function of the teeth without worrying about their artificial teeth moving or falling out of their mouth.
  • Dental implants also prevent the loss of bone tissue that happens when teeth are lost. If you fail to address this issue, it can lead to changes to your facial structures.
  • Patients get artificial teeth, which look like natural teeth.
  • Patients do not have to dedicate a part of their day to taking care of the artificial teeth. All they need to do is maintain their oral hygiene.
  • The implants used to fix the dentures can last for a lifetime.

Consultation Process for Dental Implant Treatment

Patients who are interested in the All on Four procedure should have excellent oral health. They should not smoke and be healthy enough for surgery. 

The treatment is recommended for people who meet one of the following criteria:

  • Have a problem with loose dentures
  • Would require a bone graft for traditional dental implants
  • Have damaged or lost most of the teeth in a dental arch
  • Need an affordable option
  • Have gum disease that has made traditional dental implants impossible.
  • Have experienced any dental trauma or any damage to the jaw muscles

Patients who have any disorder or have certain diseases, such as lupus or diabetes, may not be able to have the treatment. 

Patients without adequate immune function may have trouble healing after surgery. That can prevent the osseointegration procedure necessary for implants to be stable.

Things to Consider When Getting All on Four Dental Implants

Here are some important things that you must consider when getting all on four dental implants.

  • Find the Right Dentist

    Check the education, experience, and licenses of the dentist. You need to find a reputed dental clinic with state-of-the-art facilities to get the best possible oral care. A reputable service will happily disclose their details, which will help you in making an informed decision about tooth replacement.

  • Options for Your Dental Implant

    There are two main types of implants: – Endosteal and Subperiosteal. The Endosteal implants are a common type of dental implant placed in to the jawbone. On the other hand, subperiosteal implants are placed above or on the jawbone. This option is for people who do not have enough healthy jawbones.

  • The Dental Health

    You should practice good oral hygiene. It will prevent implant failure and other dental complications like gum disease and cavities. Your dental professional can also advise you to take further precautionary steps to protect your oral health.

  • Current Medications

    Before you opt for all on four dental implants, you should keep in mind that there could be any possible side effects of the medications you take. Over 131 million people in the US take prescription medication. So, it is a common factor, and you should consider it before dental implants.

Transform Your Smile Today! Schedule with G4 by Golpa Dental Implants for Candidacy Assessment

All on four dental implants are a safe and highly effective treatment for replacing your missing teeth and achieving a confident smile. 

All you need to do is find out whether you are ideal candidates for dental implants or not. Schedule your G4 by Golpa consultation today for a brighter smile

Our world-class facilities in Las Vegas, Dallas, and Tysons are capable enough for such assessment and treatment.

Are Dental Implants Permanent? Understanding Longevity

Dental implants are an effective and popular way to replace broken or missing teeth. They are made with perfection so that they look and feel just like your other teeth. 

Dental implants are an exceptional long-term option to restore your smile. As a matter of fact, the use and development of implants have been one of the biggest advances in the dental industry in the past four decades.

Titanium and other materials used in dental implants, so they are compatible with the body. The implants are posts that are placed in the lower or upper jaw with the help of surgery. They function as a robust anchor for replacement teeth. 

But people think about how long dental implants last? If you are also one of them, here is a blog for you.

Read on to understand are dental implants permanent.

How Permanent are Dental Implants?

When dental implants are maintained appropriately with brushing and flossing, they can last up to a lifetime. The patients need to make sure they receive a dental checkup at least twice a year. 

However, a crown generally lasts for around 10 to 15 years. After that, normal wear occurs that requires replacement. Keeping dental hygiene up to the mark can increase the life of the crown more than 15 years.

Mouth location also plays a crucial role in a dental implant’s longevity. For instance, any implants in the back of the mouth get more strain during chewing. 

As a result, those implants fail more quickly compared to the implants on the front side of the mouth.

Factors Affecting Longevity of Dental Implants

If you want to know what affects dental implant longevity, here are the factors:

#1. Dental Hygiene

Once you receive your dental implants, you need to take care of them just like your natural teeth. Make sure that your gums and jaw are strong enough, as they will allow the metal root to connect appropriately. So before implants are inserted, you need to get treatment for any gum disease.

#2. Life Habits

The longevity of the implants and your lifestyle habits are interlinked, like regular drinking and smoking. So, it is very important to consider this at the start of your implant placement. Your body requires proper blood flow to the treatment area to recover effectively. Nicotine can slow down the healing process.

#3. Injury

Dental implants may have a short lifetime due to unavoidable situations. It is no secret that porcelain crowns can last up to a lifetime, but they are not unbreakable. Ceramic crowns can also crack and break like natural teeth might.

#4. Medical Problems

Any particular pre-existing medical issue can have a negative effect on the longevity of your dental implants. For instance, if you have diabetes or a weak immune system, it can affect the progress of your treatment and how long the implants will last.

Studies on Success Rates of Dental Implants

Success rate of dental implants is more than 97% for 10 years.

A study was conducted in 2021, examining the overall lifetime of 10,871 implants lasting more than 22 years. The researchers found the implant survival rates of:

  • More than 98% at 3 and 5 years
  • More than 96.8% at 10 years, and
  • 94% at 15 years

Studies have also found that complete dentures last an average of 10 years.

The dental bridges are usually required to be replaced every 5 to 15 years.

Debunking Myths About Dental Implants

Here are some misconceptions about dental implants that you must know.

Myth 1. Dental implants are painful

Dental implants certainly need minor oral surgery, but that doesn’t mean you will suffer throughout the process. The surgery is not as invasive as it used to be, and the dentist also ensures that the area is entirely numbed before starting the surgery.

Myth 2. Implants Likely to Fail in the Long Run

Many people believe that implants are not successful in the long run, but that is not true. If you take care of your implants properly, they can last a lifetime. Implants generally fail because of an infection caused by bacteria that triggers dental disease. If you have good oral hygiene and regularly visit the dentist for check-ups, then you can easily avoid the infection.

Myth 3. Implants look artificial

Dental implants look and feel like your own teeth when restored using porcelain bridges or crowns. People can hardly notice your dental implants aren’t real. So you will easily enjoy meals and also attend crucial meetings and social events without any hesitation.

Tips to Extend Dental Implant Lifespan

Maintaining exceptional oral hygiene is important for the longevity of dental implants. Here are some vital practices to include in your daily routine:

Brushing – 

Follow the twice-daily habit of brushing, but keep one thing in mind. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and embrace the art of circular motions. This is how you can not only take care of your delicate gum tissue but also protect your implant crowns.

Flossing – 

It is as crucial as brushing, particularly around the implants. Always use dental floss to clean between your implant and the adjacent teeth. It will remove the food particles and plaque that could lead to gum disease.

Avoid Tobacco – 

Smoking can increase the chances of implant failure and replacing failed dental implants is even more challenging.

Antimicrobial Mouthwash – 

Strictly use an antimicrobial mouthwash that is prescribed by your dentist. It will minimize the risk of any possible infection around the treatment area. This approach will keep any threats to the stability of your implant at bay.

Regular Dental Checkups – 

You should schedule dental cleanings and thorough checkups with your dentist. Contact a dental clinic to know how often you should visit the dentist with dental implants.

Advancement in Dental Implant Technology

Dental implants have become very successful in a short time as a tooth replacement method. It has emerged as a great alternative to bridges and dentures.

They have become affordable to a wide range of people due to the latest dental implant technologies. Today, various types of implants are available, which are as follows:

  • Standard Implants
  • Implant Overdentures
  • Mini and Micro Implants
  • Subperiosteal Implants
  • CAD/CAM Implants
  • Implants for bridges

Lifelong Benefits of Dental Implants Over Dentures

Dental implants have numerous benefits, which are as follows:

Improved Chewing Ability – 

People with dentures often face difficulty chewing. However, the dental implants are fixed like natural teeth. Thus, you can eat food with confidence and without pain.

Better talking ability – 

You can mumble while speaking with dentures in your mouth. On the other hand, implants let you speak without the teeth slipping.

More Comfort – 

The gums change their shape over time. As a result, the dentures usually get loose. But you don’t face such problems with implants.

Improved oral health – 

Fungi and bacteria can live in any crevices and cracks in the dentures. Thus, it can make the gums sore and can even infect them. Implants allow easier access between your teeth, so you can floss regularly, improving your oral health.

Improved Appearance – 

Implants look like natural teeth, so they significantly improve your smile. As a result, you will feel confident about yourself.

Take the Next Step Towards a Lasting Smile: Schedule Your Consultation Today!

If you have missing or broken teeth and are looking for a lasting smile, then you must opt for dental implant treatment. 

All you need to do is keep all the aforementioned information in mind. Also, look for a reliable dental clinic that has expertise in dental implant treatment

G4 by Golpa is highly experienced in the dental industry and is known for providing complete dental solutions. We are located in Las Vegas, Dallas, and Tysons with outstanding facilities, now schedule a consultation with our experienced dental implant specialists today!

Dental Implants Care- Maintenance Tips and Best Practices

A dental implant is a treatment that can help you feel confident as it improves your tooth structure and overall smile. And it is no secret that meeting people with a beautiful smile is more likely to leave a lasting impression. 

However, if you want to have a ravishing smile and reap the maximum benefits of dental implants, you must ensure you follow the best practices to take care of your dental implant so it lasts for years. 

Dental implants care and maintenance start from the minute you get the implants and walk out of the dentist’s office.

Read on to know everything about dental implant maintenance tips and best practices.

Understanding Dental Implants and Their Structure 

Dental implants are a safe and permanent solution for failing or missing teeth. Deciding to improve the structure and appearance of your teeth with dental implants could be a life-changing event.

For speaking, chewing and eating the food you love, and even how you feel about your appearance, it’s clear that teeth are extremely important. 

People usually take their teeth for granted and never appreciate all they do until they start to cause problems. However, in this situation, dental implants are the exact solution you need.

The treatment may seem like a complicated and challenging process for a patient, but it is worth all the hassles. 

Before you opt for it, you must understand the structure of dental implants. It consist of the following three parts:

  • The Implant

    This part is a high-quality titanium screw anchored into the jaw bone. The implant acts as a replacement root for the tooth.

  • The Abutment

    It is another piece of metal fixed on top of the implant. Thus providing a base to attach the final restoration.

  • Denture/Crown/Other Restoration

    This part may cover one or more missing teeth. Sometimes, it gets support from multiple implants. These include bridges, crowns, and partial or full dentures.

Dental Implants Care – Initial Dos and Don’ts 

After the dental implant surgery, you must keep in mind the following dos and don’ts after implant surgery.

1. Bite on the sponges placed in your mouth to control bleeding.

2. After the surgery, avoid moving around too much and keep the head elevated for the first 8 to 12 hours.

3. When required, you must hold an ice pack to your face at intervals of 15 minutes.

4. Only have beverages and soft foods for the first 24 hours.

5. Take all the prescribed medications on time.

6. Do not rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours.

7. Do not drive yourself home after the procedure.

Daily Oral Hygiene Practices for Dental Implants Care 

Here are the daily oral hygiene practices that you must strictly follow:

Brushing Your Teeth

One of the best ways to maintain your dental implants is by brushing teeth properly. It is advisable to brush your teeth twice a day, and do not forget to use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Using toothpaste particularly formulated for implants is also a crucial part of dental implant care.


Flossing is important for removing food particles and plaque from between the teeth and around the dental implants. You should use a floss threader or any similar thing designed for the implants. It will make flossing easier and more effective.

Rinsing Mouth

Rinsing your mouth after having meals is one of the most effective ways to improve oral hygiene for dental implants. It helps you get rid of the food particles that are often left behind after eating and promotes the growth of bacteria. Try to use an antiseptic mouthwash particularly formulated for dental implants. 

Regular Visits to the Dentist

Routine dental checkups and proper cleanings are important for maintaining exceptional oral health and keeping the dental implants in the best possible condition. The dentist will look for any signs of damage and also remove tartar buildup.

What Foods You Should Avoid After Dental Implants

Here is a list of foods that you must avoid after getting a dental implant:

#1. Crunchy or hard foods like popcorn, nuts, raw vegetables, and fruits.

#2. Sticky foods like taffy, caramel, and chewing gum.

#3. Any spicy foods that can cause inflammation and irritation.

#4. Foods that are high in sugar, like pastries, candy, and soda. These can increase the risk of implant failure and even infection.

#5. Foods that contain acid, like citrus fruits, vinegar, and tomatoes. So, avoiding such food is one of the important post-surgery care tips.

#6. Alcohol can slow your healing after the surgery and also increase the chances of infection.

#7. Any kind of tough food that needs a lot of chewing, like hard loaves of bread or steak

Possible Complications After Dental Implant Surgery 

Here are some complications that patients may experience.

Peri-implantitis – It is a kind of gum disease that can damage the tissue around the implant. This will lead to bone loss. The symptoms include swelling, bleeding, and redness around the area. The dentist may prescribe antibiotics to treat peri-implantitis. Deep cleaning of the area and surgery are also part of the treatment.

Loose implant – If your implant gets loose, it may be because of a loose abutment screw. Contact your dental surgeon immediately for a thorough checkup and treatment options.

Broken restoration – The bridge, crown, or denture attached to your implant may crack, break, or become loose over time. Physical trauma or normal wear and tear could be the reason behind it. Depending on how much damage is present, your dentist can recommend repair or replacement.

Gum recession – It can occur around the implant and promote the growth of bacteria, leading to implant failure. The dental surgeon may recommend gum grafting surgery.

Avoid Harmful Habits That Can Affect Implant Health 

Here are some harmful habits that pose a serious threat when it comes to dental implants care. You must avoid them at any cost to ensure the implants last longer. 

1. Overlooking the Oral Care Regime

You may brush your teeth twice a day, but you also need to floss as well. Gum disease is the most common reason for implant failure. Flossing can remove particles that are stuck between the teeth because your toothbrush can only remove plaque and bacteria from the surface of the teeth.

2.  Smoking 

Smoking is one of the bad habits affecting implant health. It slows down the natural healing process, increasing the chances of infection and oral cancer. According to various surveys and research, people who smoke are more likely to lose dental implants compared to non-smokers.

3. Consuming Sugary Foods in Excess

Do not overindulge in sugary snacks, as they feed the bacteria in your mouth. This will sooner or later develop into gum disease, which can cause the dental implant to fail.

4. Grinding on Hard Objects

Dental implants are perfect for biting and eating different meals, but they are not suitable for chewing on hard objects like pen caps, fingernails, or popcorn kernels. It can chip the restoration and cause harm to the jawbone that supports your implant.

5. Using Your Teeth as Tools

People with dental implants often use their teeth to open containers, packages, and bottles. The pressure on your teeth when biting such products reduces the strength of the dental implant and can damage the jawbone.

6. Postponing Dental Checkups

After the dental implants, you should visit your dentist twice a year for routine cleanings and a thorough examination. This is how you can prevent numerous oral health disorders that can affect your dental implant.

7. Biting Ice Chips

During the summer, biting a few ice cubes may seem like a good idea to beat the heat, but the dentists strongly disagree. It is extremely hazardous to your natural teeth as well as dental replacements. When you bite ice chips, they usually break, but sometimes ice can damage the tooth enamel or a dental restoration.

Advanced Care- Professional Cleanings and Check-Ups 

Going for regular checkups is a crucial part of dental implants care. It will make sure you and your dentist are aware of any possible signs of implant issues. So, for a few months after implant placement, you can expect that your dentist will ask to visit frequently to monitor the overall healing process. 

The entire recovery can take up to several months. If a bone graft is performed, the process will take even more time; it could be up to a year. When you are sufficiently healed, you can visit your orthodontist twice a year.

During the professional dental cleaning, your dentists will look for symptoms of peri-implantitis or peri-implant mucositis. These are two gum diseases related to implants. During cleaning, the dentists use special tools to ensure maximum cleanliness and take precautions to avoid any possible damage.

Select Professional Dentist for Your Dental Implant Now

Taking care of your dental implants doesn’t have to be a challenging task. 

All you need to do is follow the right lifestyle choices for implant care and the maintenance tips mentioned above. This is how you can make sure that your teeth last for years and that your oral health is up to par. 

If you are looking for effective dental implant treatment and aftercare, contact G4 by Golpa. Our world-class dental implant centers are located in Las Vegas, Dallas, and Tysons.

Smile Restoration: How Can Dental Implants Restore Your Smile?

If you have missing teeth, dental implants might be the solution you need. Learn about smile restoration through dental implants here.

The global cosmetic dentistry market reached $29.6 billion in 2021 and could grow by 13% by 2030 as more people turn to smile restoration. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth or smile, consider getting a smile makeover. For example, dental implants are ideal if you’re missing teeth.

What are the benefits of dental implants, exactly? Read on to find out!

After reviewing this guide, you can determine if implant dentistry is right for you. 

Improved Appearance

Over half of America feels unhappy with the appearance of their smiles. If you’ve started hiding your smile behind a hand or closed lips, don’t worry; you’re not the only one. Nearly 60% of Americans cover their smiles when they laugh, while 70% feel insecure about their teeth.

Smile restoration services like dental implants can help. If you’re missing a tooth, an implant can fill in the gap. Dental implants are designed to look like your existing teeth for a natural, beautiful smile. 

Restoring your smile with an implant can boost your self-confidence. You don’t have to hide your smile anymore. 

A self-confidence boost could encourage you to take risks in your social life, leading to higher satisfaction and quality of life. 

Avoid Wrinkles

If you’re missing a tooth, your jaw will no longer receive the stimulation it needs. Your face might start sagging, causing your facial structure to deteriorate. 

You might start to look older than you are as your skin sags. Wrinkles can form as well. 

A dental implant can fill in the gap and provide your jawbone with the necessary stimulation. You can improve your appearance and avoid further deterioration. 

Reduced Risk

Leaving a gap between your teeth gives food particles and bacteria a new place to hide. Your risk of tooth decay and gum disease can increase. Gum disease could cause your teeth to fall out if you don’t seek treatment.

You might start feeling even more self-conscious about your smile.

Before that happens, consider scheduling a smile makeover. 


Dental implants can also restore functionality to your teeth. When there’s a gap in your smile, it can become more difficult to chew. You might also develop a lisp.

Replacing your missing teeth with an implant will help you chew, speak, and smile with confidence. 

Immediate Results

With other restoration options, it can take months before you see results. Some options are only temporary. The longer you wait to seek treatment, the more likely complications are to develop.

Choosing short-term options can become costly over time, too.

Instead, improve your smile immediately with dental implants. Your implants will last for years, too, allowing you to experience these benefits long-term. 

Choose Smile Restoration With Dental Implants Today

Don’t let a missing tooth affect your smile or oral health. Instead, choose smile restoration services like dental implants. An implant can replace your missing teeth for a beautiful, natural smile.

Want to experience these benefits firsthand? G4 by Golpa Precision Implant Dentistry can help.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

The Most Advanced Dental Implants Center in Dallas



New patients only *Valid only for procedures performed in March 2023 *Valid only towards Nano-ceramic restoration, from: $36,500 full-mouth, $18,000 single arch *Only valid in our Dallas location



No doubt about it; this was the best money I’ve ever spent.
— Karl

Transform Your Smile with Our Cutting-Edge Dental Implant Solutions

Elevate Your Smile with Our Advanced Dental Implant Solutions

Why Choose G4 By Golpa?

Reputation Built by InnovationNot Imitation


  • We have exclusively provided this procedure for more than a decade, and perform more surgeries in one month, than most do in one year. G4 Team


  • Unlike our competitors and imitators, our reputation is earned by being leaders, not followers. G4 is the pioneer of teeth in 24 hours, and respected by our patients and our peers.  G4 Peer Review


  • Our results are proven by the 1000’s of patients, that are members of our G4 Family. They are the backbone of our practice, and the reason for our success. G4 Patient Facebook Group


  • All of our facilities are luxurious, state-of-the art complexes staffed with people that truly care for our patient’s well-being and excel at providing the utmost patient care. G4 Locations


  • Because of our experience, protocols, and highly trained personnel, we are able to perform the G4 Implant Procedure more efficiently, saving patients up to 50% of the costs of our competitors, while providing superior results. G4 Cost
Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
— Warren Buffett

Multiple Phases

Some providers may charge a separate fee for different phases of the procedure: consultation and diagnosis, surgery, and yet another fee for the restorations. You may also be charged “hidden” incidental fees, based on your particular situation. Be sure the price you’re quoted is for the COMPLETE procedure.

G4 by Golpa has a transparent cost policy with no hidden fees. For full mouth restoration, you will pay from $33,500—About 50% less than Corporate Centers

A leopard can’t change its spots.
— Oscar Wilde

Treatment in foreign countries

In foreign countries, the costs for the All-on-4 implant procedure itself averages $25,000, but there are added expenses and risks involved. When you travel outside of the United States, you are subject to that country’s laws, standards, and regulations—or lack of.

Receiving any refund or corrective treatment will be nearly impossible.


Read The Complaints

Many clinics in Mexico are notorious for making false claims and comparisons. One Mexican Dentist in particular Dr German Arzate of Cancun, after reaching out to Dr. Golpa for training, decided to imitate everything we do. He was even caught directly copy and pasting our website to his.

“It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. When
you pay too much, you lose a little money – that’s all. When you pay
too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you
bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The
common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a
lot – it can’t be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well
to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will
have enough to pay for something better.” ― John Ruskin

Proven Experience – Proven Results

Years before our first commercial aired back in 2011, Dr. Golpa was exclusively performing the All-on-4 procedure. This experience can not be equaled. Dr. Golpa was the first to make improvements to the All-on-4 protocol, and the protocols he developed are now what others attempt to follow. Today, Dr. Golpa is considered the top All-on-4 Dentist in the World, by his peers. But the key to his success remains rooted in treating Patients with the highest level of care. Treating them like a member of the G4 Family.

All we do is for our Patients.

If you’re thinking about implants, weighing your options, let me tell you—this is it. My teeth were completely fixed in 24 hours.
— Kevin

G4 By Golpa Reviews

If you’re seeking the most qualified dental implant professionals to bring your smile back to life, look no further than G4 by Golpa Precision Implant Dentistry. Dr. Golpa and his staff perform more full-mouth restorations in one month than most providers will perform in their lifetime. The knowledge and skill that come from this kind of experience simply cannot be equaled.

Over 15,000 people can’t be wrong-
Every day, G4 by Golpa restores smiles and transforms people’s lives. That’s why we’re so proud of our dental implant solution. Our patients rediscover themselves in ways that go far beyond a beautiful smile.

Again, read the reviews, and we think you will see the pattern.

Judge for yourself………..

Dr Mike Golpa Launches Newest G4 By Golpa Dental Implant Surgery Center In Tysons Corner

Dr Mike Golpa Launches Newest G4 By Golpa Dental Implant Surgery Center In Tysons Corner

Nationally-Acclaimed, State-Of-The-Art Dental Implant Solution To Make Its DC Debut in July 2019

WASHINGTON DC/LAS VEGAS, NV 5/16/2019 – Dr. Mike Golpa, the Southern California who is redefining dental implant rehabilitation with his proprietary G4 Implant Solutions, has set June 2019 for the launch of his newest G4 by Golpa Dental Implants Surgery Center located in Tysons Corner.

Serving the Washington DC and Virginia communities, Dr. Golpa’s all-new G4 by Golpa dental implants surgery facility will be headquartered at 1500 Cornerside Boulevard in Tysons Corner, Virginia.

As dramatic strides in dental implants technology continue to bring new hope to the 40 million people nationwide estimated to be edentulous (without teeth), Dr. Golpa developed his proprietary G4 Implant Solutions. A pioneering dentist in the growing field of dental implants, Dr. Golpa not only developed his own proprietary implants procedure, but he has also performed more than 15,000 surgeries under his G4 by Golpa Implants Solution banner. At the same time, the G4 by Golpa Implants Solution has been adopted by dentists throughout the country who arrange for their patients to access Dr. Golpa’s exclusive G4 dental implant procedure and receive comprehensive after-treatment care.

Burgeoning into the option of choice for those needing to have teeth removed due to injury, disease, infection or decay, G4 by Golpa dental implant technology give back the look, fit and function of healthy, natural teeth to patients nationwide. Dr. Golpa’s G4 Implant Solutions has put the smile back for patients throughout the country. Built to last, a G4 implant properly cared for will last for decades, as opposed to dental bridges and dentures which typically require replacements every 5-7 years. G4 advanced implant technology helps avoid jawbone deterioration, stimulates bone growth, prevents bone loss, and helps assure that patients will have peace of mind enjoy life to the fullest by retaining their natural face and smile.

Dr. Golpa’s G4 Implant Solution Centers have broken the mold in advanced dental implants technologies, introducing a treatment that delivers a permanent bridge with titanium framework in just one visit. The new G4 by Golpa Tysons Corner surgery center will offer the identical implant procedure offered in the Las Vegas flagship facility, including the all-digital protocols and next generation milling technologies developed by Dr. Golpa that are changing the implant dentistry landscape.

“We are extremely excited to announce our newest G4 by Golpa surgery center location in Tysons Corner, and look forward to providing residents throughout the region our advanced dental implant solution,” said Dr. Golpa.

The Tysons Corner G4 by Golpa location joins current facilities operating in Northern and Southern California, Texas and other metropolitan centers.

About the G4 by Golpa Implant Solution:

Dr. Mike Golpa’s G4 Implant Solution is practiced in regions across the US by top dentists fully trained in the G4 implant procedure. Dr. Golpa’s G4 Implant Solution has ‘broken the mold’ in providing advanced dental implants technologies, introducing a treatment that delivers a permanent bridge with titanium framework in just one visit. The G4 Implant procedure encompasses proprietary all-digital protocols and next generation milling technologies developed by Dr. Golpa that are changing the cosmetic dentistry landscape. In addition to the continuing expansion of G4 Implant Solutions surgery centers and growing number of dentists adopting the G4 technology, the popularity and proven effectiveness of Dr. Golpa’s procedure has resulted in the government’s approval to offer Medicare support for G4 dental implant patients.

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Los Angeles-Based Dentist Dr. Maryam Talaie Is Latest To Join The G4 By Golpa Implants Solution National Affiliate Network

Los Angeles-Based Dentist Dr. Maryam Talaie Is Latest To Join The G4 By Golpa Implants Solution National Affiliate Network

A Leading Practitioner, Teacher and Lecturer, Dr. Talaie Adds Breakthrough G4 Implants Solution Diagnosis and Aftercare Services To Her Los Angeles Practice

SAN FRANCISCO 5/15/2019– Dr. Maryam Talaie, a leading dental practitioner based in Los Angeles, has become the newest prominent dentist to join the fast-growing G4 by Golpa Dental implants Solution national affiliates network.

Dr. Talaie has devoted her more than 20-year career to educating and treating her patients with gentle and minimally invasive dental care. A graduate of the University of Southern California, Dr. Talaie is recognized in the field of dental sciences where she remains current with the latest technology and research on the safest dental methods and materials available.

The G4 by Golpa Implants Solution Affiliates Network provides consumers with access to the exclusive G4 Precision Implant Dentistry, perfected by renowned dentist Dr. Mike Golpa ( after years – and over 15,000 dental implant surgeries. G4 network dental affiliates receive advanced training by Dr. Golpa in the diagnosis and aftercare of the G4 Implant Solution. Patients have the convenience of accessing a local dentist within the G4 affiliates network to arrange for the exclusive G4 dental implant procedure and receive comprehensive after-treatment care.

Dentists within the G4 by Golpa Affiliates Network are fully trained by Dr. Golpa to provide follow-up care with patients after they undergo the surgical procedure, which is conducted at the G4 surgical centers located in Las Vegas, Dallas and Virginia. The G4 Affiliate Program empowers dentists to add a state-of-the-art dental implant program without having to incur any capital investment.

“Dr. Golpa has developed a truly state-of-the-art, superior procedure in the ever-growing area of dental implants. As a dentist interested in expanding into implants, I am excited to become part of the G4 network and bring this remarkable implant solution to patients throughout Northern California,” said Dr. Talaie.

“We are extremely pleased to welcome Dr. Maryam Talaie to the G4 Implants Solution affiliates network. Dr. Talaie is a passionate advocate for best practices in dental care and is highly regarded by patients for his steadfast commitment to proactive dental hygiene, self-care and maintenance. An organization is best defined by the company it keeps – and having Dr. Talaie as a member of G4 underscores the innovativeness and effectiveness of our Implants Solution,” said Dr. Golpa.

About the G4 by Golpa Implant Solution Affiliates Network:

Dr. Mike Golpa’s G4 Implant Solution is practiced in regions across the US by top dentists fully trained in the G4 implant procedure.  Dr. Golpa’s G4 Implants Solution has ‘broken the mold’ in providing advanced dental implants technologies, introducing a treatment that delivers a permanent bridge with titanium framework in just one visit.  The G4 Implants procedure encompasses proprietary all-digital protocols and next generation milling technologies developed by Dr. Golpa that are changing the cosmetic dentistry landscape.  In addition to the continuing expansion of G4 Implant Solutions surgery centers and growing number of dentists adopting the G4 technology, the popularity and proven effectiveness of Dr. Golpa’s procedure has resulted in the government’s approval to offer Medicare support for G4 dental implant patients.  

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